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Archive for May 8th, 2024

Win Global Markets with App Localization

Posted by STPL on May 8, 2024

We all use Google Maps in English, but don’t you think we can feel more relatable to it when it gives output in our regional or known language? This is the power of app localization. 

Therefore, businesses that want to grow internationally must recognize the true potential of app localization services. These services involve adapting an app’s language, content, design, and functionality to meet different markets’ cultural and linguistic preferences.

For example, BigBasket was launched in India using the English language. The company understood that the majority of the user base speaks Hindi, so they localized the app in the user’s native language, which turned out to be a success for the app.

Why Are Businesses Moving Towards App Localization Services?

Several studies have been published regarding App Localization Services. One study published by Distomo indicated that mobile app localizations could lead to  128% increase in downloads per country and 26% increase in revenue per country​​. 

Furthermore, a further study by The Tool states that with app store descriptions written in the local language, downloads can increase by as much as 38%​. 

According to another report by Adapty, the importance of localization is also reflected in the market penetration statistics, with languages like English, Chinese, and Spanish accounting for 55% of all app downloads​.

Benefits of App Localization

Enhancing User Engagement and Retention

App localization services improve user engagement by providing a user experience that feels familiar and considerate of the audience’s cultural context. Localized applications can effectively address the user’s language preferences, cultural nuances, and even local trends, greatly enhancing user interaction and satisfaction. Engaged users become loyal customers, reducing churn rates and boosting long-term retention. The Helo application is the best example, providing localized content in the user’s language. In India, it provided content in different Indian regional languages. In Indonesia, it is providing localized content in the Indonesian language. 

Expanding Market Reach

One of the best benefits of app localization services is the ability to tap into new markets. Localizing an application helps businesses cater to audiences across international borders, increasing the potential user base and opening up opportunities in previously inaccessible markets due to language barriers. For instance, localizing an app into Mandarin, Spanish, and Hindi can expose a product to billions of potential new users​. For example, as of December 2023, TikTok is available in 75 languages and over 155 countries, which is remarkable for a mobile application.

Tailored Customer Support

Mobile App Localization Services enhance customer support by assisting in the user’s native language, which is important for troubleshooting, understanding user issues, and offering solutions that users can easily comprehend and implement. Localized customer support improves user satisfaction and decreases frustration and potentially negative feedback, which can impact an app’s reputation and user retention. Offering support in the local language shows that a company values its users and is committed to providing an accessible, user-friendly service.

Localization Drives Cultural Connection

A significant benefit of application localization is the ability to connect on a cultural level with users. Applications that reflect local customs, holidays, humor, and idioms can resonate more deeply with the audience. This cultural connection can increase the app’s relevance, increasing user engagement and satisfaction. By showing cultural awareness and sensitivity, companies can build strong relationships with their users, fostering loyalty that is important for sustained app success. This cultural alignment can also facilitate smoother entries into new markets, as the app will be seen as more trustworthy and considerate of local norms and values.

Improved App Store Optimization (ASO)

By using local languages for application descriptions, keywords, and metadata, localized apps rank higher in search results within regional app stores. This process is significant since many applications’ discoverability depends on searches within these platforms. As users typically search in their native languages, localized applications stand a better chance of being found and downloaded​.

Competitive Advantage

Localization can be a key differentiator in a crowded market between competing apps. It shows a brand’s commitment to its users by providing a personalized experience that respects and acknowledges their cultural preferences. This attention to detail can set an application apart from its competitors, many of whom may not invest in comprehensive localization strategies. Thus, localized applications are perceived as more user-friendly and attentive to customer needs, fostering a positive brand image and increased user loyalty.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Localization also includes adapting to local laws and regulations for apps entering global markets. This activity is important in regions with strict control over digital content and commerce, such as the European Union or China. Proper localization ensures that an application complies with local data protection laws, payment regulations, and cultural norms, thus avoiding legal penalties and fostering trust with local users.

Final Words

The digital world is growing at a faster pace. More and more mobile applications are launching on Google and Apple Playstore. Therefore, the importance of app localization services will continue to grow. The main motive of these services is to reach more native users and make them feel personally and culturally attached to applications. 

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